Serving Christians Around the World
Published by McDowell Bible College
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Copyright 2024 - 2025
And Christian Press™ trademark 2024.
All rights reserved by
McDowell Bible College
Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Christian PRESS may not be copied in whole or part, through screenshots or any other fashion, to any media, including websites, printed materials, blogs, forums, etc., by any other party other than Christian Churches for nonprofit internal usage, without the express and written or official email permission of McDowell Bible College. See the Contact Us page to email a formal request for use and any costs external to church nonprofit usage. Christian PRESS (CP) is a successor to Independent Press (IP) which was published in 1976 in Birmingham, Alabama. It is published by McDowell Bible College through their publishing arm, Global Publications and Software.
Welcome to Christian PRESS

Christian PRESS (CP) is a magazine for all Christians around the world and those who would learn more of the Christian lifestyle and beliefs. We offer insights into what it is to follow Jesus and be a good Christian, not only in the eyes of God, but to all the peoples of the world. We work to provide biblical training and a real Christian perspective on current events around the world. We offer this information free to those who seek it on the web and provide a hard copy magazine to those who wish to donate and support us in this effort.

Christian PRESS (CP) is a successor through its editor to Independent Press (IP) founded in 1976. IP informed readership about injustices, exposed corrupt and immoral activities, and enhanced the civil discourse, originally in Birmingham, Alabama. As IP would speak to issues that affect people regarding those issues, Christian PRESS accomplishes a similar goal in addressing the lives of Christians today by applying biblical and theological principles to those issues, with the goal of determining what would Jesus do (WWJD). Born also in Birmingham, Alabama, CP also continues the goal of its sponsor, McDowell Bible College, to follow the great commandment and teach all nations the Gospel and what it is to be a Christian.

We look forward to keeping you informed and provide biblical instruction as we develop these pages. Please pray for this effort as we build this website and magazine in the future, all for the Glory of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

God Bless!

McDowell Bible College (MBC) is a low cost online college with no additional online classroom fees, offering a quality, full-term, diploma producing experience. Students pay according to their income, so that some may pay nothing or as low as $15 per 3 semester hour course, while others pay lower tuition than many seminaries of this quality. Check out our cost page for information. Click on the MBC logo link in the upper right mast to learn more.

Please support our sponsor:
McDowell Bible College
Certificates and Diplomas in Ministry, Biblical Studies, and
Leadership and Administration for Churches and Religious Nonprofits
A nonprofit Christian college for English speaking students around the world.
sed Deus illuminat - God Enlightens